Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Site Referrals

So I was checking the stats on the blog today.  We're getting close to 100,000 views.  Unbelievable!  I am so honored that so many of you have come to my little corner of the web and even more shocked that you keep coming back!  Thank you so much for making my blog worthwhile.  I am truly grateful.

Anyway, the site referrals section of the stats showed that I was getting a fair bit of traffic from the Straight Key Century Club website.  It turns out they have a little blogroll on the homepage which happens to list this blog as well as a couple other prominent QRP/CW guys.  Cool!  Thanks for the shout out!  I have not been active in the SKCC group much since I improved my code speed but they're a great place for newbies to start out.  If you are not a member, I really suggest you go check out the site.  Lots of fun reads about people operating in the SKCC "contests" and pretty pictures of CW keys and shacks made for the Old Mode.

So check em out already!

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